
My profile against a graffiti in Brighton

Hi, my name is Pinky, and I am a Paid Media Architect at work, travel blogger at play.  My blog is is an online repository of notes that I write to document my travels, with places I have researched that are affordable and meaningful.  Here’s a little bit more about me!

The Pink Pigeon roosts!

I roost: I was born in Hong Kong but grew up largely in the UK, going to school in Eastbourne then studying at the University of Oxford, and now working in digital marketing in Brighton. I grew up eating crispy roasted squab in Hong Kong, one of my first memories of England was feeding pigeons in Trafalgar Square (now banned), and I once interned at The Pigeonhole, the office mascot of which was a taxidermy pigeon!

The Pink Pigeon pecks!

I peck: An adventurous diner, I will eat anything, just to try it. Though I’ve not yet tried live, wriggling creatures. When I’m not eating food, I’m thinking about food. I believe that when eating out, food should either be fun, authentic, innovative, photogenic, or mouthwatering, otherwise there’s always the home kitchen to rely on. A picky eater when a child, I’m now making up for the flavours I missed!

The Pink Pigeon flys!

I fly: I love to travel, and, when restricted by time and money, I like to be transported to foreign lands through art, novels, music, plays, TV shows and films. My blog is not a gallery of travel photos, nor a source of top ten lists. It does not feature luxury hotels or trips on a shoestring. But if you want to make the most of your travel on an ordinary budget, then you’re in the right place!

Though my sight is far from keen and I don’t want to date a pigeon, I would like to, one day meet the rare pink pigeon, in a zoo or in its native Mauritius, be loved like the pigeon that was loved by Nikola Tesla, who said “as long as I had her, there was a purpose to my life“, attain a role of importance, like the pigeon who served as Education Minister to the Emperor Shaohao (one of China’s semi-legendary Five Emperors), and say, apparently in the spirit of Winston Churchill: “We are all pigeons. But I believe that I am a pink pigeon.” Right now though, this sign I saw in a shop resonates with me: “I’m not an early bird or a night owl, but some sort of permanently exhausted pigeon.”


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